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Just like any other competition, there are rules and these rules must be followed or the hunt will stop so here they are.


1. Every hunter must have a hunt legal digivice, a hunting card( which you can get from the contacts page) and a group that they are with (xros heart,blue flare or black twilight)

2.The hunt legal digivices are the ic x10, ic x20, Burst, accelerator, mini, d-cyber, xros wars mini,d-gather, neo,and pendulum x.

3. Each hunter is only allowed one digimon partner per hunt legal digivice that hunter owns (example:one digimon for ic x10, one digimon for ic x20, etc) 

4. Hunted digimon are digimon that are defeated in the quest modes, coliseum mode in the digivice along with digimon defeated from regular battle)

5. No taking other hunters partners

6.Hunted digimon`s name will be put on a piece of paper after being defeated to keep track of all of your hunted digimon

7. when walking around in the real world(the world you live in) make sure you bring your digivice with you and make it visible so that everyone knows your a hunter

8. when you see a hunter with their digivice out in your world don`t be afraid to ask for a battle.

9. tell everyone else about being a hunter (because its not fun without a little competition)and support your digimon group( xros heart,blue flare and black twilight)

10. follow these rules and happy hunting!

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